Posts in Conditions
Diabetes: A Growing Epidemic and What You can do to Prevent Becoming a Statistic

Are you one of the growing number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes?

Maybe you’re not quite there, but your doctor has mentioned you are pre-diabetic or on the verge of becoming diabetic.

Or maybe you have excess fat centred around your mid-section and experience low energy after a meal. Perhaps you get hungry a short time after eating or experience a mid-afternoon energy slump.

If this sounds like you, I urge you to read this week’s post.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. So let’s take a few minutes to consider this disease, how it develops, and what you can do to better manage it. And if you are not one of the millions of Americans dealing with the disease, it’s still important to become educated about it and do what you can to minimize your risk or prevent diabetes from occurring in the first place.

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9 Surprising Benefits of Almond Milk

If you have a dairy allergy or are interested in a great milk alternative, look no further. Almond milk has more nutrients than cow’s milk and is easier for most people to digest.

In fact, regular consumers of almond milk may even make it at home. If you have been toying with this idea but need some inspiration and a good recipe, keep reading!

This week, I discuss some interesting facts about almonds and the health benefits they provide. As an added bonus, I’m including my super simple recipe for delicious, and nutritious, homemade almond milk!

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Dairy Allergy: Which foods contain dairy and what you can eat instead

Do you know which foods contain dairy products and what you can eat instead?

Are you or your child allergic to dairy? If so, what do you do when you’ve been aregular consumer of milk and dairy products then find out that it’s actually making you sick?

To the uninitiated, this may seem like an easy fix… don’t drink milk.

However, it’s much more complicated than that. Many common foods contain dairy or dairy products. In fact, you may be surprised by what they include!

Read on to discover common foods and ingredients that often contain dairy, as well as natural, healthy dairy-free alternatives.

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Allergies vs Food Sensitivities: Are They the Same or Different?

Allergies vs Food Sensitivities: Are They the Same or Different?

I’m not sure why, but I have been seeing more clients in my practice who are suffering from multiple food sensitivities and allergies.

The other day, one of my clients asked, “What’s the difference between a food allergy and a food sensitivity?” As this seems to be a growing concern, if one client has this question, many others mustn’t know the difference either.

So this week, I delve into the truth behind food allergies vs. food sensitivities. I’ll also fill you in on the symptoms to look for if you think that you, like so many others, may suffer from food sensitivities.

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Celiac Disease is an Autoimmune Condition: What You Need to Know

May is Celiac disease awareness month.

Celiac disease, an extreme manifestation of gluten sensitivity, occurs when an allergic reaction to gluten causes small intestinal damage. It is the most severe reaction anyone can have to gluten, and is more prevalent than you may think, as most people who have this disease are never actually diagnosed.

For those of you who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, it’s likely that you already know what it is and how it impacts your life. For others, this is the opportunity to learn the truth about celiac disease, symptoms associated with it, and how it manifests itself.

In this week’s blog post, I’ll discuss how celiac disease, an autoimmune condition, may arise, common myths about the disease, and provide you a list of food/ingredients containing gluten that all celiacs must avoid.

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The Neurotoxicity of Pesticides

Pesticides, substances used to control unwanted pests, insects, and weeds, are one of the largest groups of toxic chemicals produced, stored, and used in the world. Not only are they designed to control pests through their various mechanisms of action, but they have also proven toxic to non-target organisms - namely humans and beloved pets.

Read this week’s blog to find out how and what you can do about it.

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How You Can Improve Your Digestion Naturally

How to Improve Digestion Naturally: Restoring your gut health can be as simple as incorporating the right foods into your diet. Keep reading to learn how to improve digestion naturally.

How often have you finished a meal and felt bloated, been gassy, had cramps or acid reflux, or felt just plain uncomfortable? It happens to everyone from time to time, and it can be a sign that your digestive system isn't working the way it should.

If it happens to you regularly, it may be time to make some lasting changes.

Your digestive system is a delicate balance of chemical reactions. Having one element thrown out of whack can wreak havoc on many aspects of your health, not to mention leaving you feeling very uncomfortable. But taking medicine for these problems all the time may not be right for you - or the approach you want to take.

If you're looking to improve digestion naturally, read on for several tips you may just want to try.

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Eat Healthier With the Kids Using These Family Meal Planning Tips

Trying to get your whole family to be healthy can seem like a difficult task, but if you follow the family meal planning tips offered in this week’s blog post, you can help everyone be healthy!

In spite of the fact that over 75% of us claim that we focus on healthy eating, most of us aren't actually getting the nutrition we need.

When you take a look at the added ingredients, excess sugar, and over-reliance on fast food, it's not hard to see why.

With roughly 36% of American adults and 18% of children classified as obese, the question becomes, what can we do about it?

What concrete steps can you take to protect your own health and the health of your family members?

It all starts with healthy meal planning.

Yes, exercise is important, but it's what you eat that really makes a difference.

How can you ensure that your portions, nutrients, and of course, the actual taste, of the meals you make for your family, is up to snuff?

Read on for family meal planning tips.

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7 Amazing Health Benefits of Kombucha: and an Interview with a Brewer

You’ve probably heard of a doggy mama, or perhaps a fur mama. But have you ever heard of a “SCOBY mama”???

I have, and I’d like you to meet her. Her name is Taryn and I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with her to ask some questions about how to brew your own kombucha

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5 Actionable Steps to Balancing Your Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

Do you get tired and have no energy after a meal?

Do you experience a mid-afternoon energy slump?

Do you have difficulty focusing, get irritable or cranky for no reason?

Have you been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes?

Do you want to prevent such a diagnosis in the future?

If so, read on to discover what a blood sugar imbalance looks and feels like, the problems associated with blood sugar imbalances, and why you should care.

I will also provide practical steps you can begin today, to help control your blood sugar levels naturally.

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The Gluten-Free Controversy PART 2 - Why is Everyone Suddenly Allergic to Gluten?

Have you noticed increasingly more people are trying to avoid gluten? Have you ever wondered why?

  • Does it seem like everyone around you is suddenly allergic to gluten?

  • Do you wonder if you should give up gluten?

  • How do you know if going gluten-free is right for you?

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The Gluten-Free Controversy: Does Gluten-Free Mean “Healthy”?

Have you noticed that increasingly more and more people are trying to avoid gluten?

Have you wondered if gluten-free products are healthy?

Have you given up gluten or been wondering if you should?

Read this week’s blog post to discover the real truth behind gluten-free products and what you should look for when shopping gluten-free.

If you are trying to live a life without gluten, it may be exciting to see more gluten-free options available to you every day. But be aware that not all gluten-free products are created equal. Please be mindful that many of them are still processed and contain unhealthy ingredients, making them not such a “healthy” alternative. Read on to find out more!

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Meal Planning Services Now Available!

Are you too busy to eat healthy?

Does it feel like cooking healthy meals takes too much effort and you just don’t have time to figure out what to eat?

Do your cravings get the best of you and throw you off track?

Do you have a food allergy that makes it hard to figure out what to eat?

If you’ve tried and failed to get your eating habits in check, then you know how frustrating trying to eat healthier can be. You work so hard but feel exactly the same week after week. You probably wonder, what am I doing wrong?

Undereating, overeating, or failing to properly balance your meals can make it impossible to make progress. Dieting, starving or depriving yourself can do much more harm than good. Choose either an Anti-inflammatory meal plan, one for Diabetes, or one for optimal Cognitive Function.

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How to Hack a Cold Naturally

Learn 3 easy steps to hack your way through cold and flu season this winter. The first is…

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that quenches free radicals and speeds wound healing, in addition to being necessary for collagen formation.

When we start to feel a cold or flu coming on, vitamin C will give our virus-fighting immune system a boost. It is found in citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemons, mangos, papayas, oranges, and pineapples, as well as in green vegetables like asparagus, avocados, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, and kale.

In supplement form, a buffered vitamin C is unlikely to cause stomach upset, while Ester-C is easily absorbed. In either form, vitamin C helps other antioxidants keep their potency and helps their absorption in the body.

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Choose THIS Over THAT

For anyone interested in switching to a whole-food-based eating plan, it can be overwhelming.

The first challenge lies in giving up some of your favourite foods. The second challenge becomes what you can eat instead.

Whether you have chosen to follow more of a Paleo, ketogenic, plant-based, or low-carb high-fat eating plan or if you are simply looking to improve your overall diet for general health benefits, the healthy food swap guide below should provide plenty of healthier options for you.

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