Posts tagged Football
Head Injuries: Warning Signs and How to Treat Head Injuries Naturally

Our previous blog was about why a TBI brain likes routines and how routines can support TBI recovery.

If you missed it, I encourage you to check it out!

This week, in further commemoration of Brain Injury Awareness month, let me give you the low-down on head injuries.

What is a head injury, how can you acquire one, what are the warning signs, and what is the best treatment? These are all the questions we’ll answer this week and more!

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An Interview With Mark Tullius: Former MMA Fighter Turned TBI and CTE Activist

This week, the HappiHuman community is in for a treat!

I sat down to interview a former ivy league football player and MMA fighter who is now an activist for TBI and CTE to hear about his experiences with multiple concussions, what prompted him to stop fighting, and how he turned things around for himself.

So stay tuned to read a summary of the conversation we had.

If you have kids in contact sports or have sustained a concussion yourself, you don’t want to miss this!

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