Posts tagged Asthma
9 of the Best Ways to Protect Your Brain

Following are 9 practical things you can start investing in today to protect your most valuable organ. Your brain is a highly complex machine that is responsible for every single thing you do, think, feel and say.

With more neurons than stars contained in our galaxy, your brain is considered the executive control centre of your body. As such, it supervises every thought, feeling, memory, mood, and action that you undertake.

Your brain is what makes you… you!

Yet most people often don’t think twice about this vital organ.

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Brain Boost: 9 Reasons to Eat More Omega 3s

Omega 3s are membrane components. They surround every one of your cells to give them energy. Omega 3 fatty acids do many positive things for our health, including increasing the functionality of our eyes, brain, lungs, immune system, and heart.

As your body does not create omega 3s, you must get them from your diet. This is why they are called “essential” fatty acids.

The most crucial omega 3s are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). These can be naturally found in foods, such as:

  • Fish: salmon, tuna, sardines

  • Oils: soybean oil, cod liver oil, flaxseed oil

  • Nuts and seeds: chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds

Most people don’t consume enough omega 3 fatty acids. Rather, they consume an abundance of omega 6s.

In general, omega 6 fatty acids are inflammatory while omega 3s have the opposite effect. It should come as no surprise, then, that omega 6s are more prevalent in a Standard American Diet and are consumed in staggering ratios of up to 40:1!

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